Motherhood is a journey filled with profound moments, tender connections, and endless love. As a motherhood photographer, I have the privilege of capturing these precious experiences and preserving them in beautiful, timeless images. My journey in this niche of photography has been deeply personal and incredibly inspiring. I would like to share with you what drew me to this path and the inspirations that continue to fuel my passion.

The Beginning of My Journey

sunrise maternity session at Rainbow Beach, motherhood

My journey into motherhood photography began after the past year and. a half of doing portrait and event photography. After being in the photography game for a while, I felt the urge to add a little extra something to my shoots

After experiencing motherhood myself I knew that I could connect from a deep level of understanding about the beauty and complexity of this stage of life. 

Capturing everything from the magical moments of birth through to growing children and their families, it’s really a beautiful space. 

Every smile, every tear, every little milestone seems to hold a world of emotion. I find myself wanting to freeze these moments in time, not just for myself but for other mothers who cherish these fleeting experiences.

Photography has become my tool for storytelling. It allows me to capture the raw, unfiltered essence of motherhood—the sleepless nights, the joyful playtimes, the quiet moments of bonding. These are the moments I want to highlight, the moments that often go unnoticed but mean everything to a mother.

1. The Strength of Mothers

Mothers are incredible beings. Their strength, resilience, and unwavering love are awe-inspiring. I've photographed mothers who balance careers, personal goals, and family life with grace and determination. Each of these women has shown me the diverse ways in which strength manifests in motherhood.

2. The Innocence and Wonder of Children

Children view the world with an innocent curiosity and wonder that is simply magical. Their genuine emotions, whether joy, curiosity or even frustration, are pure and unfiltered. Capturing these moments allows me to tell their stories authentically and remind us all of the beauty of seeing the world through a child's eyes.

3. The Bond Between Mother and Child

The bond between a mother and her child is one of the most profound connections in existence. It is filled with love, trust, and an unspoken understanding. This relationship is a central theme in my photography. I strive to capture the tender hugs, the shared glances, and the small, intimate moments that define this bond.

4. The Everyday Moments

While milestone moments are important, it is often the everyday interactions that hold the most significance. A mother brushing her child's hair, reading a bedtime story, or simply holding their little one close—these are the moments that, when captured, create a powerful narrative of love and care.

The Heart of My Inspiration

Every mother and child I photograph uniquely inspires me. Their stories, their connections, and their individual journeys of growth and love fuel my creativity. Here are a few aspects that particularly inspire me:

first photo of newborn at birth, Gympie Birth photographer
Motherhood photographer
mother breastfeeding her newborn at their in-home newborn session Gympie


My journey as a motherhood photographer has been one of growth, learning, and immense joy. It has allowed me to connect with incredible women and children, to share in their stories, and to create lasting memories. The strength, love, and beauty I witness in every session continue to inspire me and drive my passion for capturing the essence of motherhood.

Photography is more than just a profession for me; it is a way to honour and celebrate the extraordinary journey of motherhood. Through my lens, I strive to capture the love, the challenges, and the unforgettable moments that define this incredible experience.

Until next time....

Asha x

pregnant mother in water with tulle covering her at her sunrise maternity session

Challenges and Rewards

Motherhood photography, like any artistic endeavour, comes with its challenges. Working with children requires patience and adaptability, as their moods and energy levels can change rapidly. Ensuring that mothers feel comfortable and confident in front of the camera is another important aspect of my work. However, these challenges are far outweighed by the rewards.

The joy and gratitude expressed by mothers when they see the final images is incredibly fulfilling. Knowing that I have created something that will be cherished for years, that I have preserved a piece of their family's history, is a deeply rewarding experience.

pregnant mother sitting on a rock at her sunrise maternity photos point arkwright
sunrise maternity session at Point Arkwright, mother lying on beach drone photo